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Join Form

To join MHMAA, simply click the link below, and your web browser will open the Membership Form as an Adobe document.  You can fill out the form online.


Feel free to print it (hit the Print to Click Form square at the bottom of the form) and mail it to us. 


Or, go ahead and click the link below, fill it out, save it to your computer, and email it back to us  as an attachment (hit the Click to Save File square at the bottom of the form). 


With either method, you will need to send us your check for Membership Dues in the mail (mailing information is on the form).   You can either send us a check or pay by PayPal.  Click on the Donate button below. 



Thanks for joining us in making a difference!

Having trouble viewing or using this form electronically?   It might be because it is an Adobe document.  Our apologies. 


Please go to Contact Us to send us an e-mail and we'll

be more than happy to e-mail or mail you

a Join Form formatted in WORD.

'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

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